Thursday, January 19, 2012

Fi's Six Week Challenge - 19 January 2012

This Monday I have decided to start a six-week health and fitness challenge.  This time it is not about losing weight for a TV show or a corporation it is about getting fit and feeling good for me.  I have not trained boot camp style in almost a year so I am starting from scratch in the fitness department.  I have decided to join The East Side Crew a boot camp team that is run down on Bondi Beach, I chose the East Side Crew because firstly its only two blocks from my house, and secondly they are a really fun group to train with. 

The six-week challenge will involve doing five boot camp sessions a week a mixture of cardio and resistance training.   And going on a clean eating plan.  I will find out more about this on Monday and keep you posted. 

Since new years I have done a few sessions with The East Side Crew to warm up for the start of the challenge.  Lets just say at the moment I am the one lagging behind the group, I know this will be temporary and its only a matter of time that my fitness will increase but it is frustrating.

This morning’s session was soft sand running and ocean swimming.  I though the swim would be a walk in the park.  A few years ago I took a stroke correction course to get my swimming a lot stronger to be the ambassador for and compete in Triathlon Pink and all female Triathlon.  But these stroke correction classes were in the pool, it’s a whole different ball game when you’re out in the ocean! 

So at 5.30am I donned my Speedos, which have not seen the light of day in a while and headed down to the beach.  Today we had a new trainer, Troy Stewart who I had not met who I think might be one of the reasons there was such a large turn out to this class…mainly female lol.  So we started out jogging on the soft sand heading to North Bondi.  I started making a beeline for the harder sand near the waters edge, but was stopped by the trainer who encouraged me to stay on the soft sand.  So I puffed my way feeling like I was buried waist deep in sand to the other end of the beach.  Once at the other end it was straight in the water, I had goggles with me but I think I need new ones as they kept on fogging up and I would end up swimming in the wrong direction! The only thing that would get me back on course would be the voice of our trainer yelling out encouragement to keep going and not to stop.  So I struggled on taking in almost as much water as air.  Then finally made it back to the sand feeling very much like a drowned rat and told to get jogging back to the start and do it all over again.  So I plugged on, still the last one in the group but once again made it back to the beach eventually feeling very water logged.  Then it was time for some fun, attempting to catch waves.  This I have never been any good at I think I need one of those clips for my nose as with every attempt water would just rush up there and I would choke.  But as the trainer said it just takes lots of practice!  After many failed attempts at catching waves it was a sprint out of the water and to the back of the beach then a jog back to South end, this time we were allowed to jog on the hard sand, thank god, but I was still the last one to get back.  Then a quick stretch and maybe the part I look forward to most a coffee with the crew up at the café.   After getting home and a shower, nothing feels better than that after training feeling, I cant describe it, but I am guessing anyone who trains in the morning knows what I am talking about and you feel great for the rest of the day.

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