Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Fi's Six Week Challenge - 25 January 2012

The East Side Crew Six Week Challenge has begun!  On Monday morning (after nearly pressing the snooze button) I made it down to Bondi Beach at 6am to meet the other eager members of the East Side Crew.  Kimmy our trainer was there to greet us and hand out our packs, which included our meal plan and shopping list for the week.  Kimmy then produced a set of scales and we all jumped on, I knew things were a little out of shape, but thankfully not as bad as I thought.

After our weigh-in, it was up to start the fitness test which involved running a lap, starting at Hunter Park in South Bondi, around Icebergs and then back up the hill, followed by 20 sit ups and 20 push ups.  We all took off on our first lap; as usual I was lagging behind the group but did not stop.  When I made it back to the start Kimmy gave me some encouraging words, telling me next lap try not to stop just as long as I kept jogging the whole way…I tried to explain that I did that on the first lap but because my jog is more of a shuffle it takes me a long time, but because I was breathing so hard I don’t think she could make out what I was trying to say!

Fi and Jo in their new Crew singlets.

Most of the Crew managed to get out four, five or six laps, I managed three.  I was a little disheartened to learn that one of the other Crew members was extremely hung over but still managed to bang out six laps, but I just kept on reminding myself that things can only get better from here. 

On the walk home I was going through the meal plan for the week and realised there was no caffeine for the first few days.  This is going to be the hardest thing for me as I am a big coffee and tea drinker. I know I will struggle, but the rest seems pretty straight forward I just have to get to the supermarket to do my shop.

Day two of the Challenge, and I lost a kilo over night! Overjoyed, however I know my body can gain 4kgs in a day so I wont get too excited just yet! Today was the soft sand run and the ocean swim, I have already done one of these and today seemed harder than last time.  Running on soft sand to me is one of the hardest things to do, it hurts everything!  Before we took off, Troy our trainer reminded us all to stay together.  I inwardly groaned as I am training with others who have been doing this for months and within a few minutes once again I fell behind the pack.  The biggest problem about being the last one in the group is there is no recovery time, when I arrived at the other end of the beach it was straight in the water I was still hyperventilating from the run but struggled down to the water.   But I know this will help me to get fitter sooner, so I tried to stay positive!! 

The waves were a lot bigger today which made it harder and foggy goggles are not helpful in staying on the right track, a few times I popped my head out to find I had headed out to sea rather than along the beach.  I managed two of these laps and to my embarrassment had a couple of old men ask me if I was ok as I floundered around trying to swim back to shore.   After we all made it back to the beach we did some sprints down in to the water and back up the beach, this I really enjoyed as I can really push myself on short bursts like that.  Then it was a jog back to the car park and shower time.   As hard as it is to get up in the morning nothing feels better than the feeling when the session is over and walking home I felt ready to face the day…my coffee cravings might impact upon this in a few hours, but for now feeling awesome!   

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