Sunday, February 5, 2012

Fi's Challenge - Week Three!

So we are in to week three of the Six Week Challenge and I am starting to feel really good. It feels like my energy levels are starting to pick up and my body is getting used to clean eating.  

Monday morning is weigh in day and I was happy to hear I am 4 kilograms lighter! However, for me, the best part of this Challenge is that the focus isn't on weight loss, but rather on increasing strength, fitness and health. I am surprised how losing weight has not been my all consuming thought, like it has been in the past.  Previously, I would weigh myself morning and night keeping track of every gram I lost or gained.  I would train solely to help myself reach a number on the scales. 

This time around it is a very different story,  I am focused on becoming fitter, stronger and healthier.  I am not looking to drop huge amounts of weight. I am happy with my curves but that said I am keen to get everything a little tighter and perkier!   My body is a weird one and loves to fluctuate, depending on the time of month, how much salt I ate and all sorts of factors, I can gain 4 kilograms over a weekend but then lose it again in a few days.  So all the focus on the numbers on the scales is a bit pointless and it is all about how you feel and more importantly how you feel favorite pair of jeans! 

Fi running up the stairs in the fitness test this morning.

This morning's session was the fitness test, and for the first time in a very long, long time I cried during the session.  Pretty embarrassing really, but I just pushed myself to the point where I hyperventilated and cried.  I think it is a good thing though because in the past I have only ever reached this point with someone screaming at me and with cameras in my face.  Today though I had Kimmy at my side giving positive encouragement and I think the reason I broke down a bit was because I had pushed myself to my limit.  I guess that's a good thing, and shows how motivated I am to train hard and really make a difference to my fitness levels this time around.  Hopefully next time I push myself that hard, I will manage to keep myself under control!   But all in all great start to the week, and excited for the week ahead! 

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